Selected by Royal Danish Library
by Martin Thim
I am sooo proud today
My first book ever has been chosen by the The Danish Book Craft Society c/o Royal Danish Library as ”Årets Bedste Bogarbejde” roughly translated to ‘best book work of the year’. This is absolutely amazing, and I will already now use this opportunity to give a big shout out to my partners in crime WALK.AGENCY, for without them, none of this would have happened. I would also like to thank my life-partner Frederikke Thim Tømmergaard and my friend Erlend Høyersten for their help in the process and of course Narayana press for their beautiful work.
Now, I know what you think my none-Danish speaking friends… “how do I get my hands of this piece of art?” Unfortunately, it has only been released in Danish at this point and in a very limited amount btw. But this is the perfect opportunity to contact that publisher friend of yours that should release this beauty in English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili, Chinese, Arabic, French, Portuguese..
#åretsbedstebogarbejde #theworldcoup #densortediamant
My first book ever has been chosen by the The Danish Book Craft Society c/o Royal Danish Library as ”Årets Bedste Bogarbejde” roughly translated to ‘best book work of the year’. This is absolutely amazing, and I will already now use this opportunity to give a big shout out to my partners in crime WALK.AGENCY, for without them, none of this would have happened. I would also like to thank my life-partner Frederikke Thim Tømmergaard and my friend Erlend Høyersten for their help in the process and of course Narayana press for their beautiful work.
Now, I know what you think my none-Danish speaking friends… “how do I get my hands of this piece of art?” Unfortunately, it has only been released in Danish at this point and in a very limited amount btw. But this is the perfect opportunity to contact that publisher friend of yours that should release this beauty in English, German, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili, Chinese, Arabic, French, Portuguese..
#åretsbedstebogarbejde #theworldcoup #densortediamant